Minnesota Trip: Part IV
Some other things:
1. Isaac was really good on the five-hour car trip this time, although he did ask lots of hard-to-answer questions like "How long is a moment?" (If anyone knows of a simple way to answer that question, please tell me in the comments, because I blabbered on for five minutes and I still don't think he knows how long a moment is.)
2. Critter sightings for Wendell: I saw not one but TWO wolves!! Sadly, they were dead on the side of the highway near Tomah.
3. Big dogs have big poops. I like my small dogs and their small poops.
4. One of Rob and Lisa's cats is really weird. Every time I went to the bathroom, he would stand by the door and mew, and then stick his paw through the crack between the door and the floor. Here is his picture:"Jasper"
5. The movie Happy Feet seems to have a great soundtrack, as well as a great message about the environment and learning to love your unique strengths.
6. The movie Man of the Year is great, and I need to add it to my "Favorite Movies" list.
7. I'm really sad that spring break is over.
8. I'm really, REALLY sad that it's freezing cold outside again.
9. Bangladesh beat South Africa at cricket. South Africa was ranked number one. This is a big deal.
10. While I was gone, my dad painted my living room. (You might have noticed the strange paint on the walls in some of those snake pictures. I was experimenting with different colors, and finally settled on one just in time for spring break to be over. I love my dad.)
Moment- a particular instant in time
Okay, GOOOO Team Bangladesh! That is so frickin' awesome. I've been sporting my Grameen Phone jersey all week. Also, you better watch out, Mama. Your lil' Man is turning out to be quite a heart breaker (he's gorgeous--even with missing daant!). It's only a matter of time before giggly girls start calling your house...
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