Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bangin' Bangs

Sometimes I get a haircut that I just really like. Today was such a day. How cute am I?

Check out my rockin' bangs! They're almost halfway back my head!

*Yeah, yeah, I'm getting back to work now. Sigh.


Wendell said...

Hawt! Also, is your hair more red? Shiny.


Good luck with your tests and sh*t.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit you are so hot! I need to get some of that make-up. On second thought, I'm never going to wear make-up again. Man, I wish I had balls like you. It looks kick ass! Next time you should get a skull shaved in the back of your head.

Katie said...

i don't have balls. i have ovaries. Ovaries are way better than balls.

Miss Non-Sequitur said...

dude you should totally make one of those your profile picture! ;) It's Sunday, I'm at the library. Boooo

idadele said...

ya know, I don't think I ever noticed what beatiful eyes you have..of course, I know you are gorgeous, but those eyes! meow love ya

Anonymous said...

YEAH! It looks awesome. Wish I'd been there! I finally got my hair cut yesterday... it's not nearly as bangin'.

Katie said...

Awww. Shucks you guys. I'm gonna leave this post up for a few more days in case anybody else wants to give me complements. :-)

Katie said...

Err...compliments. Can't spell.