Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Happy Happy Day!

I just got an email from Masud that my sister is coming to visit me in May! I'm so happy about it that I could just cry! She's coming on May 17th and she'll go home with me in June. It has given me something to look forward to, and I think Page will have a great experience here. I am hoping she doesn't get some gross intestinal disease (which is probably inevitable). She's pretty resilient, though and I've got lots of oral saline. Wow, what an opportunity, to visit the developing world when you're 17. I'm jealous of her!

And let me just holler out a huge THANK YOU to my friend Wendy, who sent me the most wonderful and thoughtful care package today. You really made my day, dude!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're welcome! I'm so happy you liked everything.
